Monday, November 24, 2008


A friend sent me a link to a video yesterday. It's a sermon by Pastor Steven L. Anderson, titled "Forgiveness" in which one of the things he discusses is 2 Corinthians 5:10,

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."

I was very impressed by what he had to say about it. Especially considering that everything else I've heard him say (in other sermons) was, in my opinion, taken out of context, mistranslated, or misused in some other way. But I thought he made a good point this time.

Click to watch.

It's a bit long, but I really think it's worth the time. I know I enjoyed it a lot.
Feel free to post a comment, and tell me what you think.
Love in Christ, Kirsten.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Crazy Days

So Thursday night I had a birthday party. We went to the bowling ally. It was lots of fun, but i was using a 14 pound ball and we played five or so games. And my right leg and arm are so sore!
Then last night me and my sisters went on a five mile walk. So i could hardly move this morning when i woke up! And i only had an hour to get ready for church, so i had to run around trying to find my purse and shoes and other stuff. And if that wasn't a bad enough way to start my day, we got pulled over by a cop on the way to church! AHHHH! so, my day has been a bit crazy so far. But hopefully things will calm down by the end of the day. ( YEAH RIGHT!!)
Things are never calm around here. Someone is always yelling about something.
Anyways, Hope that YOU have a good day! :)
God Bless
~ Kirsten

Thursday, July 24, 2008

First Postage!

Hi I' m Kirsten.
I'm from Idaho and I just graduated from high school.
I'm using this blog to write about my life, and all the weird, stupid and boring thing that happen to an eighteen year old girl from Nowhereville, USA.
talk at you later
~ K