Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Crazy Days

So Thursday night I had a birthday party. We went to the bowling ally. It was lots of fun, but i was using a 14 pound ball and we played five or so games. And my right leg and arm are so sore!
Then last night me and my sisters went on a five mile walk. So i could hardly move this morning when i woke up! And i only had an hour to get ready for church, so i had to run around trying to find my purse and shoes and other stuff. And if that wasn't a bad enough way to start my day, we got pulled over by a cop on the way to church! AHHHH! so, my day has been a bit crazy so far. But hopefully things will calm down by the end of the day. ( YEAH RIGHT!!)
Things are never calm around here. Someone is always yelling about something.
Anyways, Hope that YOU have a good day! :)
God Bless
~ Kirsten